Wednesday, June 30, 2010

What is orality training?

Jesus’ method of teaching, using stories and parables, is well adapted to African culture, where storytelling is part of family life and literacy rates are low. In Orality Training we take advantage of this by asking participants to close their Bibles and notebooks. The trainer simply tells the Bible story, which the students master through repetition. Once everyone has had a chance to repeat the story accurately, the following questions are asked:

What do you like in this story?

What don’t you like in this story?

What strikes you from this story?

What do you learn from this story?

To whom will you tell this story?

These inductive questions can be used with any story or Bible passage, and are easily mastered by everyone, regardless of their ability to read. Of greater importance, when people share what they see in God’s Word, it is not the leader, but the Holy Spirit doing the teaching, with deep, longer lasting effects.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Greetings from Kenya!

Greetings from Kenya, where I am in a conference, freezing to death at 63 degrees!

I have a series of blog updates I will be sending you over the next few days as I have time to write. The past few months have seen the answer to some of our deepest prayers. In March I invited 60 men and women, 4 from each Association of Baptist churches in Burkina Faso, to come to Ouagadougou for a training conference. Starting with the story of the Gadarene demoniac, they were taught simple inductive Bible study methods for evangelism, Bible study and leadership training. Each team of 4 was given the responsibility of going back to their association to train as many as possible at every level: youth, women’s ministry, SS teachers and church leaders.

The response to this training has been phenomenal. Here are some highlights:

Tiebele: 60 church members gathered for a 1 day session on evangelism using the Gadarene demoniac. They were trained Saturday morning and went out in the afternoon door-to-door. The following Sunday so many people came to church they had to borrow benches from the neighbors to seat the overflow crowd!

Godyr: Four weeks ago the youth in the association were trained in evangelism and sent out door-to-door in the village of Delba. 74 decisions were made for Christ and a new church was started with consistently 70 in attendance.

Reo: The church in Sandié has been using Orality for several months now in Bible studies and outreach. During that time attendance has gone from 40 to 120!

Pray for training conferences scheduled in Ouagadougou, Bobo, and Boré this summer. God is doing something special.