Friday, February 10, 2012

Jan 2012 update from Kathy...

2012 has already given so many glimpses of God’s greatness and His goodness!  Jay was in an accident where he rolled our Toyota pick-up truck as he tried to avoid a big truck carrying wood into the city.  He and the two passengers with him walked away with no major injuries at all.  Rob and Madeleine have started into their second semester at school and both of them brought home excellent report cards from the first half of the year.  Having done equally well, James ended his fall semester at UNC and spent Christmas with Jay’s family in Boston.
Baptist believers in Burkina encourage and challenge us regularly as God is growing and expanding their vision to see His kingdom come in Burkina and all around the world.  Last weekend I hosted the leadership team of UOBC for what Rob called “Mom’s sleepover.”  It was a planning meeting for the upcoming year – a little late because of some unforeseen interruptions in the lives of some of our ladies.  What a joy to listen to each region of Burkina share the ministries that they have been involved in!  From sweeping school and church yards to supporting orphans and widows with donations of grain and clothing, to going door-to-door and into village markets to share the good news of Jesus with neighbors, I was overjoyed to hear how God is using His daughters to show His love to their communities.

A new initiative that the “co-laborers with Christ” will be undertaking this year is the working toward the opening of a center for exploited females.   I am helping to lead the steering committee for the strategic planning of this project.  It will be exciting to see where God will lead us as you pray.  We are just in the beginning stages so please pray specifically that we will be able to narrow our many desires to match God’s vision for this center and that God will provide the necessary funds and manpower to renovate the building and grounds that we have been given by the Baptist Union of Burkina.  If you are interested in volunteering to help with the launching of this center please be sure to contact me either on this blog or at  The opportunities for service will be many including construction and painting as well as training leaders and the ladies/girls who will be living at the center. 

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day, 