Two months in the US was wonderful. Walks and laughter, hugs and prayers, special lunches and potlucks, reunions and newborns... Time with family and special friends never seems to last long enough. But today I saw a Facebook post with a picture that said, "My heart will always beat to an African drum." When Madeleine and I returned to Burkina, our first Sunday back we attended Wayalghin Baptist Church. And I felt my heart beat with joy, with praise, with thanksgiving to our Father for the privilege of serving Him here. I love the rhythm of African worship. I love to dance to the alter (or maybe I just sway a little bit as a I walk :) with my offering. I love to see people lift their hands and hearts to the One who has made them new creations. This past Sunday at Good Shepherd Baptist Church, I heard one of the best sermons I've heard all year. I love being a part of the International Mission Board legacy that helped lead men like Vincent Konkonbo to the Lord and disciple him. Thank you, Wayne Walton, for your years of dedicated service to Burkinabe Baptists.
This summer while I was spending time with family and friends, many of you joined me in praying for the 7th Annual West Africa Baptist Women's Conference held in Ouagadougou. Thank you for your prayers. Fifteen months of meetings and organization paid off, and the women who came from 9 different countries certainly danced and sang to the glorious beat of an African drum as they worshiped and praise the Lord together. I am so proud of the Burkinabe Baptist women with whom I work. They, along with the youth (ages 12-29ish) of our churches, welcomed all of their visitors, and I understand that the conference was one of great fellowship and tremendous teaching. Thank you for praying with us. I hope you enjoy the beautiful colors of Africa in the photos below...