Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Dec 2011 update from Jay...

Holiday time is upon us again, when our thoughts turn to birth of Christ, peace on Earth and goodwill to men.  Africa saw its share of difficulties this year and Burkina Faso was not exempt.  Many people kept us in prayer during the mutiny last spring, from which the country has emerged as strong and stable as ever. 

During that time conferences were curtailed in the uncertainty, but we are looking forward to a fruitful renewal of training programs for lay leaders across the country.  This afternoon I spoke with one of our top trainers, Paulin.  He was in the village of Semapou this past weekend where 140 church members met to learn Acts 3:1-19 where Peter and John heal the lame man in the temple.  When they went into the village to share the story, 109 people indicated a desire to follow Christ!  Follow-up plans are being made to see how deep these decisions are, but already 17 have come to church!  Wednesday, Paulin will be in the village of Kademan holding the same training/outreach.  God’s Word changes lives!

Another fall highlight is the decision to expand the Bible school to include a Moore campus in Sanwabo and a Jula department in Koudougou.  With this decision enrollment has tripled!  This change has forced our trained pastors to get more involved in passing on what they received long ago when they attended Bible school.  Each qualified teacher is being asked to teach a module during the year.  It looks like my turn will come in the late spring!

Thank you for your support of God’s work in Burkina Faso and around the world through your giving, going, and praying.  We are blessed to have such a strong and loving church as a partner in seeing God’s Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!

Jay Shafto
01 BP 580 Ouagadougou
(226)50-36-30-72 (h)
(226)76-01-38-52 (c)

1 comment:

Pam Hiscock Braman said...

Merry Christmas to you all! -Pam Hiscock Braman