Friday, December 19, 2014

So very much to be thankful for this Christmas!

As always our lives and ministry are abundantly blessed by our many friends who faithfully pray for us and encourage us.  To our Southern Baptist friends, we once again offer a huge “merci” for your support through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.  As this Christmas season unfolds, we are happy to be serving this year in the U. S. at the International Learning Center where our new personnel are trained before going out to their many places of service around the world.   We are constantly reminded that the generosity of Southern Baptists continue to make our life and ministry both in Africa and here in the States possible. Your faithful giving allows us to devote ourselves to full-time ministry, providing us with a salary, a home, transportation, food, medical care — and so much more. Thank you! Please know that many around the world will truly celebrate Christmas for the first time this year because of your sacrificial gifts.


Unknown said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO THE SHAFTO FAMILY. May your blessings abound in your work both here and in WA. Love you, Linda Miller

Todd Wells said...

That's a good looking family right there! Exciting to see that you guys are in VA. I'm not exactly sure when you guys started there, but you probably just missed my sister and brother-in-law who finished their time at the ILC in June. Merry Christmas from the Groffs.